“He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that you might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed,” 1 Peter 2:24
My whole life I never really thought about that verse and what it really meant. But last fall my life took a crazy turn, and I had to face reality. I went to the doctor with scary symptoms and heard the words I never wanted to hear. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I was told it was an “incurable disease,” but I would be on medication to control the symptoms. This medication was the only hope they could offer me of some relief from the pain and ease my mind that I would still be able to be active as I got older. As a wife and a mother of 3 small kids, I could imagine the worst outcome and I felt devastated. But in my heart, I knew there had to be a better way.
I began to understand that the work Jesus did on the cross was complete. When He said “it is finished,” He meant it! He paid the full price for me to be healed, and when the Word says “YOU HAVE BEEN HEALED,” it literally means that Jesus has already done it! It is a finished work, and we can now receive it!
I began to believe God for my healing, and I asked Him to get me where I needed to be to see it happen. In His great kindness, He put me down a path that not only lead to me being healed of MS, I was also healed of thyroid disease and asthma! These were things I hadn’t even asked for, but God knew I needed it. I was completely blown away by the kindness of Jesus!
Today exactly one year later, I am still so grateful for my Savior who gave His life for mine. That He took our infirmities and carried our sorrows so we can have health and joy.
Do you believe that God still heals today? I am a walking, breathing example of what He can do, and I am not the only one. I have seen many people healed this year. He is not limited by a doctor’s proclamation that any disease is “incurable.” There is no such word in God’s vocabulary. I am not against doctors or medicine. I was a nurse for 11 years. But I truly believe that God’s way is greater, and we need to put our faith in Him before we turn to people for our help. If you are sick and need any sort of healing, will you run to Him first? Will you turn to His Word and stand on the promises that He has given? The rewards are great if you will hold His Word above all things and put your confidence in Him!
- Jessi Brome